Above is a short film that was found on Youtube, that shows some images of sex trafficking.
In addition to the HIV/AIDS post below, sex tourism is another huge way that victims are trafficked and used for prostitution. According to Soroptimist- Best for Women web site, the practice of traveling or vacationing for the purpose of having sex, is a billion dollar industry that further encourages the sexual exploitation of women and girls. Sex trafficking, along with other elements such as kidnapping, rape, prostitution and physical abuse, is illegal in nearly every country in the world and makes it possible for sex trafficking to quickly rise.
In addition to this, an estimated 2 million children worldwide, some as young as 5 years old, are enslaved and used for commercial sex trade. Many are forced, coerced, or tricked into prostitution, just like adults. It is estimated that American citizens account for 25 percent of child sex tourists worldwide. These predators are taking advantage of victims whose only crime is being poor and vulnerable. Child sex tourism can occur through kidnapping or homeless children found and used for the purpose of having sex. These children are also exposed to AIDS transmission and STD's according to World Vision- a child sex tourism web site.World Vision works with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to help identify child sex tourists and provide information that could lead to their prosecution and conviction. For more information on this visit, stopchildtourism@worldvision.org.