“It’s as if all identity has been stolen from them, except their identity as slaves.”

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

While mothers have a powerful force- leading the Girl Scout troop, making cookies for the bake sale, and being a part of the PTA meetings. If there is anyone who has the power to change the world and end slavery, it's definitely moms like her. In honor of Mother's Day, here is a list of five things moms can do to end slavery and make the world a better place:

1. Talk to kids about slavery
** Educate them about the importance of Human Trafficking and Modern-day Slavery.

2. The gift of organization
** Help by volunteering at a local
trafficking crisis shelter, making cookies, or helping with campaigns on the weekends. Show your kids there is more to do out there than just juggling a home, soccer practice, and work.

3. Start a giving circle
** Donate clothes to shelters. Show your kids that it’s okay to give away to someone else in need. Each month you can pick a different human trafficking organization to give it to.

4. Empower girls/young women
** Most human trafficking victims are females and many of them have lacked the education and economic opportunities given to men. Share with your children that even organizations such as, girl scouts or cheerleading for a good cause can also be as rewarding, and can help girls from low-income families.

5. Watch your wardrobe
** Buy brands that support human rights. Also teach kids how to dress age appropriately.

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